2023 Summer Camp @FIS TKO 一帆中文夏令营(法国国际学校将军澳)
Age Groups: 4 - 6Y (MS-CP / RC-Y1)
7 - 10Y (CE1- CM2 / Y2 - Y5)
Location: French Intl School TKO Campus ( Open to all students 欢迎非本校学生参加)
Time: Mon - Fri at 9:00 - 12:00
Weekly programs where children learn Mandarin through weekly theme and daily activities; Our goal is get children learn and speak Mandarin out-laud with hands-on activities and team work. This is a screen free, language speaking focused camp, contents are vary in each week. Watch previous camp at FIS TKO Campus
Weekly activities plan:
Mon - Story Telling & Drama games 讲故事和戏剧表演游戏
Tue - STEM / Boardgames 动手做玩具 / 集体桌游
Wed - Art Creation 创意艺术
Thu - Science Discovery 科学探索
Fri - Treasure Hunting & Body Painting 寻宝游戏 &彩绘
Fees: HK $2,970 per week per child Pay by FPS 转数快 or PAYME
Multi Weeks Discount:
5% off for 2 weeks enrollment per child. Coupon Code mw2
10% off for 3 weeks enrollment per child. Coupon Code mw3
15% off for 4 weeks enrollment per child. Coupon Code mw4
(No sibling / friends or further discount is available)
*First time Yifan Campers please see 'First Monday Refund' Policy.
- Children will be grouped in two groups according to their Mandarin level: International level & Near Native level. All handouts are in Simplified Chinese, If your child needs Traditional Chinese, please mark it in the notes when you enroll.
- Please bring your own drink and snack for snack time. Food sharing is not allowed.
- Parents must ensure they inform Yifan office and teacher of any allergies prior to camp commencement.
- Camp photos will be shared with parents on a daily basis via Whatsapp broadcast message. Please save '9208 7611' in your phone, without saving it you will not receive related message.
- * 'Yifan Camp Terms & Conditions'