2023 Yifan Summer Camp 一帆中文夏令营
Venue: North Plaza, Discovery Bay 香港愉景湾北广场(Open to all)
Time: Mon - Fri 9:15 - 12:15 Age: 3.5 - 5.5Y & 6 - 9Y Week 1: Jul 3 - 7 Week 2: Jul 17 - 21 Week 3: Jul 31 - Aug 4 Week 4: Aug 7 - 11 |
2023 Summer Camp @ Discovery Bay 一帆中文夏令营(愉景湾)
Sold out Age Groups: 3.5 - 5Y / 6 - 9Y Venue: LG03, Office Block 2, North Plaza, Discovery Bay Time: Mon - Fri, 9:15 - 12:15 Morning Camp Weekly programs where children learn Mandarin through weekly theme and daily activities; Our goal is get children learn and speak Mandarin out-laud with hands-on activities and team work. This is a screen free, language speaking focused camp, contents are vary in each week. Watch Previous Camp Video Mon - Story Telling & Drama games 讲故事和戏剧表演游戏 Tue - STEM / Boardgames 动手做玩具 / 集体桌游 Wed - Art Creation 创意艺术 Thu - Science Discovery 科学探索 Fri - Treasure Hunting & Body Painting 寻宝游戏 &彩绘 Fees: HK $2,970 per week per child. Pay by FPS 转数快 or PAYME Multi Weeks Discount: 5% off for 2 weeks enrollment per child. Coupon Code mw2 10% off for 3 weeks enrollment per child. Coupon Code mw3 15% off for 4 weeks enrollment per child. Coupon Code mw4 (No sibling / friends or further discount is available) *First time Yifan Campers please see 'First Monday Refund' Policy. Notes:
Yifan Full-day Boot Camp (8 - 13Y)
Yifan Full-day Boot Camp一帆全日中文集训营
Sold out Pick up / Drop off Points: Central Station中环站, Sunny Bay MTR 欣澳地铁站 Camp Location: Discovery Bay INTL School Age Groups: 8 - 13Y Time: Mon - Fri 9:00 - 17:00 Week 1: July 17 - 21 Week 2: Aug 7 - 11 Intensive Mandarin program where children do classroom learning in the mornings and physical activities in the afternoons. See Daily schedule. This is a screen free, language speaking focused camp; children will be grouped according to their Mandarin level after the quick assessment on the first day. See Previous Boot Camp Clip. Mon - Ping Pong or Taekwondo 乒乓球或跆拳道训练 Tue - Bowling Bowling 保龄球赛 Wed - Swimming at Siena Club 游泳训练 Thu - Calming Yoga 瑜伽 Fri - EpicLand Play Centre 探险室内大型游乐场 Fees HK $4,500.00 per week per child 10% discount for 2 weeks enrollment per child. Coupon code: BC2 (No sibling / friends or further discount is available) *First time Yifan Campers please see 'First Monday Refund' Policy. Notes: