Tseung Kwan O 將军澳 - Discovery Bay 愉景 湾 - Central Mid levels 中半山
2024 Easter Camp at FIS 复活节中文营
Only a few left! Time: 2024 April 8 - 12th, Mon - Fri 9:00 - 11:00 Location: French Intl School TKO Campus (Open to all students 欢迎非本校学生参加) Age Group: 3.5 - 5.5Y & 6 - 8Y This Easter, Children will be guide into an extraordinary adventure to 'Journey to the West', inspired by one of the Four Great Classic Novels in Chinese literature. Immerse themselves in the captivating world of Monkey King, Pigsy, Master Xuanzang, and other magical creatures. Each day, children will learn Chinese characters featuring a specific radical, engage in hands-on activities indoor and outdoor! 这个复活节,老师将带领孩子们踏上《西游记》的魔幻之旅!作为中国文学四大名著之一,《西游记》影响了一代又一代中国人,孩子们将有机会认识孙悟空、猪八戒、唐僧和沙和尚这些在中华文化里耳熟能祥的人物! 孩子们每天还会学习一个特定偏旁部首和汉字,并参与丰富多彩的室内室外活动! Please see Previous Camp at FIS TKO. Children will be grouped in two groups according to their Mandarin level: (I) - International level & (N)- Near Native level. With (I) level group, English explanation will be given when needed. With (N) level group, it will be 100% Mandarin immersion. We take children outdoors for snack time and group games if weather allows. Fees: Pay by FPS 转数快 or PAYME HK$490.00 per day per child, minimum 3 days enroll. Notes:
2024 Easter Camp at Dicovery Bay 复活节中文营
Only a few left! 2024 Mar 25th - 28th, Mon - Thu 9:15 - 11:15 Location: LG03, Office Block 2, North Plaza, Discovery Bay Age Group: 3.5 - 5.5Y & 6 - 8Y This Easter, Children will be guide into an extraordinary adventure to 'Journey to the West', inspired by one of the Four Great Classic Novels in Chinese literature. Immerse themselves in the captivating world of Monkey King, Pigsy, Master Xuanzang, and other magical creatures. Each day, children will learn Chinese characters featuring a specific radical, engage in hands-on activities indoor and outdoor! 这个复活节,老师将带领孩子们踏上《西游记》的魔幻之旅!作为中国文学四大名著之一,《西游记》影响了一代又一代中国人,孩子们将有机会认识孙悟空、猪八戒、唐僧和沙和尚这些在中华文化里耳熟能祥的人物! 孩子们每天还会学习一个特定偏旁部首和汉字,并参与丰富多彩的室内室外活动! Please see Watch Previous Camp Video Children will be grouped in two groups according to their Mandarin level: (I) - International level & (N)- Near Native level. With (I) level group, English explanation will be given when needed. With (N) level group, it will be 100% Mandarin immersion. We take children outdoors for snack time and group games if weather allows. Fees: Pay by FPS 转数快 or PAYME HK$490.00 per day per child, minimum 3 days enroll. Notes:
Venue: 1 McDonald Road, Central, Hong Kong
* Please enroll directly in YWCA's EasterCamp link; for questions, please call 3476 1340 at YWCA. |
Easter Tour Camp in Mandarin
2024 Easter Tour Camp 中文游学营
Only a few left! Mon - Fri at 14:30 - 17:00 Enough screen times! Yes, we are heading outdoor, enjoy the city and nature while learn & speaking Mandarin! Check out the tour planner and book your days while it is still available! The drop off & pick up point on each day is listed in the planner. Please see Previous Tour Camp Video Clip Children will be grouped in two groups according to their Mandarin level: (I) - International level & (N)- Near Native level. With (I) level group, English explanation will be given when needed. With (N) level group, it will be 100% Mandarin immersion. Camp photos will be shared with parents on a daily basis, logistic info will be communicated priory via Whatsapp. 'Outdoor Activities Waiver' must be signed by one parent / guardian before camp starts. Fees: Pay by FPS 转数快 or PAYME HK $498.00 per day per child. Note: